Producer Responsibility Initiatives (PRIs)
In 2012 a review, commissioned by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG), of Producer Responsibility Initiatives (PRIs) uncovered major deficiencies in the tyre and waste tyre sectors, including that around half of the tyre operators were noncompliant. The Department then established a Tyre Working Group, which involved industry representatives, to assess the findings of that review.
The DECLG has licensed Repak ELT, a not for profit organisation, to replace TRACS and operate the single compliance scheme for End of Life Tyres (ELT) from November 1st 2015. In February 2015 Minister Alan Kelly (DECLG) announced the establishment of a PRI for waste tyres. Repak ELT will be operated in two phases. Phase one will facilitate the preparation of the industry, to allow them to transition smoothly through to the introduction of a PRI in phase two.